1. New Skin! Yay!
2. Bring thermometers for Band pract
- Precaution. Might sound funny but just bring it.
3. Band BBQ (organised by sec3s :D)
- Message is passed around by sec 3s, but I'll put a note here anyway.
- Meet at the school's BACK GATE at 6 pm, 26th June.
4. Temporary UQMs
- 'cos there's no UQM in the band currently, the temp UQMs will be Yunna & Cyndi. :) They will be the UQMs till we get the official ones after POP. They will take charge of band's uniform for performances, and anything else concerning the band's uniform. So anything about uniform, go look for them.
5. Practices for graduating seniors (sec 4 & 5)
- Practice will commence on the 2nd week of July.
- For preparation of "BBSS Opening Ceremony"
- Details will be given at later date.
6. Absentees for holiday pract
- If you've been overseas etc. or missed band pract cause you are sick, LETTER OF EXCUSE must be produced. If not, you will get a big fat 0 for your attendance for the pract and might affect your overall attendance.
- This notice is for the Sec 1s especially, 'cos I'm sure the rest of the band is familiar with this rule.
7. Absentees for holiday pract consistently
- You know who you are. Better come or you will have difficulty catching up. BIG TIME.
8. Relay system
- The old system is such that SLs (mostly sec 4s) pass the msg down the the rest of the section. But since the sec 4s "step down" already, the relay system now will be that each section appoint ONE PERSON (preferably sec3, if don't have then sec 2) to pass down the msg.
Love, Janis! :D
(oh and, leave a tag! The new tagboard is empty~ And put your real name when you tag la.)